Year B, Index

SON, hope, priest



The purposes of God

B, Advent 1                            Jesus returns

B, Advent 1                            Jesus is Lord

Prolegomena of the Incarnation

B, Advent 2                            Christ and the Angels

B, Advent 2                            Jesus the Messiah

B, Advent 3                            John recognizes Jesus

B, Advent 3                            John and Jesus

Impetus to the Incarnation

B, Advent 4                            “The … Spirit will … cover you.”

B, Advent 4                            Mary the Virgin



B, Christmas, Midnight      “For us”

B, Christmas, Dawn             “For our salvation”

B, Christmas, Day                 Jesus’ consciousness

B, The Holy Family                Old Simeon and Anna

B, The Holy Family                Jesus the adolescent

Role of Mary

B, Mary, Mother of God        Mary the Woman

B, Mary, Mother of God        Mary, Mother of God


B, Epiphany                           Atheism

B, Epiphany                           The Temple




B, Lent 1                                          The First Adam

B, Lent 1                                          The Antichrist


B, Lent 2                                          Jesus the Man

B, Lent 2                                         Jesus the Lamb


B, Lent 3                                         Jesus exorcises

B, Lent 3                                         Jesus restores

B, Lent 4                                          Jesus regenerates

B, Lent 4                                          Jesus redeems

The impetus to the Passion

B, Lent 5                                          Jesus’ compassion

B, Lent 5                                          Jesus’ sacrifice

The Centre of Time

B, Passion Sunday                          The cross

B, Passion Sunday                          The clothing

B, Holy Thursday                           The blood

B, Good Friday                                The thirst

B, Easter Vigil                                 One body in Christ



Acts of the Risen Christ

In signs

B, Easter Sunday                  Jesus, victorious

B, Easter Sunday                  The empty tomb

In appearances

B, Easter 2                             Jesus descends into hell

B, Easter 2                             Jesus, the victim

In Church

B, Easter 3                             Witness

B, Easter 3                             Theology


B, Easter 4                             Jesus, the martyr

B, Easter 4                             Jesus, the oblation

The Vine

B, Easter 5                             Solidarity

B, Easter 5                             Recreation

B, Easter 6                             Friendship

B, Easter 6                             Fidelity


B, Ascension                          Jesus withdraws

B, Ascension                          Jesus abides


B, Pentecost                          Wisdom

B, Pentecost                           Charisms



B, Trinity Sunday                  The Begetting

B, Trinity Sunday                   The Sonship of Jesus

B, Corpus Christi                    “Do this in memory of me”

B, Corpus Christi                      maranatha, ‘Come Lord Jesus’




B, Baptism of the Lord            The Gospel

B, Baptism of the Lord             Jesus empties himself

A1      Son of Man in his body

B, Sunday 2                                    The attractiveness of Jesus

B, Sunday 2                                    Jesus manifests himself

B, Sunday 3                                    Intimacy

B, Sunday 3                                    Champion

B, Sunday 4                                    Jesus speaks with authority

B, Sunday 4                                    Jesus casts out the demons

B, Sunday 5                                    Jesus cures the sick

B, Sunday 5                                    Jesus’ popularity

B1.1    Healing the body

B, Sunday 6                                    Jesus cures with a touch

B, Sunday 6                                    Clean and unclean

B, Sunday 7                                    Jesus heals body, mind, spirit

B, Sunday 7                                    Jesus heals by using the illness

B1.2    The embodiment of institutions

B, Sunday 8                                    Food

B, Sunday 8                                    Pleasure

B, Sunday 9                                    Activity

B, Sunday 9                                    Civil law

B, Sunday 10                                  Accusation

B, Sunday 10                                  Possession

C1      The Body of Christ

B, Sunday 11                                  Gestation

B, Sunday 11                                  Natural

B, Sunday 12                                  Jesus is the prototype

B, Sunday 12                                  Jesus contains all

B, Sunday 13                                  Jesus is medicine

B, Sunday 13                                  Encouragement

B, Sunday 14                                  Jesus is transcendent

B, Sunday 14                                  Jesus is sacred

B, Sunday 15                                  Jesus’ body: the Church

B, Sunday 15                                  Communities of the Word

B, Sunday 16                                  Exaltation

B, Sunday 16                                  Transformation

C2         The Eucharistic Body of Christ

B, Sunday 17                                  Banquet                                

B, Sunday 17                                  Consecration                        

B, Sunday 18                                  Gift

B, Sunday 18                                  Thanksgiving

B, Sunday 19                                  Real Presence

B, Sunday 19                                  Offering

B, Sunday 20                                  Fruit

B, Sunday 20                                  Communion

B, Sunday 21                                  Community

B, Sunday 21                                  Different points of view

B2.1    Healing the mind

B, Sunday 22                                  Unclean

B, Sunday 22                                  Guilt

B, Sunday 23                                  Insane

B, Sunday 23                                  Retarded

X1        Foundations of morality        

B, Sunday 24                                  Commitment

B, Sunday 24                                  Fear

B2.2      The body produces world to come

B, Sunday 25                                  Foetus

B, Sunday 25                                  Children

B, Sunday 26                                  Chastity

B, Sunday 26                                  Family planning

B, Sunday 27                                  Marriage

B, Sunday 27                                  Indissolubility

B, Sunday 28                                  Youth

B, Sunday 28                                  Maturation

X2      Foundations of morality

B, Sunday 29                                  Service

B, Sunday 29                                  Excellence

B, Sunday 30                                  Conscience

B, Sunday 30                                  Formation

B, Sunday 31                                  Norms

B, Sunday 31                                  Teleology

A2         Eschaton: One Body

B, Sunday 32                                  Survival

B, Sunday 32                                  Presumption

B, Sunday 33                                  Anointing

B, Sunday 33                                  Age

B, Christ the King                         Jesus the Judge

B, Christ the King                         Resurrection


About interfaithashram

Rev. Dr. John Dupuche is a Roman Catholic Priest, a senior lecturer at MCD University of Divinity, and Honorary Fellow at Australian Catholic University. His doctorate is in Sanskrit in the field of Kashmir Shaivism. He is chair of the Catholic Interfaith Committee of the Archdiocese of Melbourne and has established a pastoral relationship with the parishes of Lilydale and Healesville. He is the author of 'Abhinavagupta: the Kula Ritual as elaborated in chapter 29 of the Tantraloka', 2003; 'Jesus, the Mantra of God', 2005; 'Vers un tantra chrétien' in 2009; translated as 'Towards a Christian Tantra' in 2009. He has written many articles. He travels to India each year. He lives in an interfaith ashram.
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